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Изменено (Yadima28): 10/3/2019 10:52:56 PM

Help!!!!Please make the annual pass shared in the same PS4 console

Hi my husband buy me for my birthday the new destiny shadowkeep deluxe version but we buy it in his account that is the principal and now I can't use the annual pass in my secondary account and I am the one who is goin to use it , please help us with this problem , there's a way you can transfer the annual pass ?????? update: I call PlayStation to get a refund and because it was already downloaded they cant do nothing, also ask for a refund of the annual season pass and they tell me that because it was integrated in the purchase as part of the deluxe deal they cant refund that , I JUST LOST MY BIRTHDAY GIFT, thanks bungie if there anything you can do for me please help I really want to enjoy the game at full Update: I call PlayStation 3 times and talk to a supervisor and they arent giving me a refund , I just want to cancel the annual pass of my husband and put it on my account but because it was part of the purchase they aren't giving refund , but because bungie is doing the annual pass in the store from the game I want to try to cancel my husband and put it on my account , please bungie message me

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