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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (Quiet_Bushi): 9/22/2019 3:32:42 PM

I... I can't believe it. Today I soloed the Recluse...

My fingers are trembling while I'm writing this... I'm trash in PvP, literally. I'm the worst PvP player in my Clan. I'm a PvE player, always been since D1. PvP is always been my limit in this game. I had already accepted the fact that I wouldn't never obtained the Recluse. This morning, however, I went in Competitive. Not fot the Glory, no, but for the Valor. You know, I miss a couple of Valor Resets for the Redrix and since many people are saying that with the new incoming meta with Shadowkeep it's going to be pretty good, I thought that it was the right time to take it. And... I did it... I still can't believe it, but I did it. I have over 2000 points which means that with the reset I'll get it... I don't know what to think... I'm just happy, I guess. [b]EDIT:[/b] Wow! thank you to all of you and your comments here =) It really means a lot for me!

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