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Изменено (Luke Donasito): 4/8/2020 12:25:18 AM

SCP-042-OT Jewel of Pyre

[b]Item #:[/b] SCP-099 Jewel of Pyre [b]Object Class:[/b] Keter [b]Containment Procedures: [/b]Jewel is to be placed inside pure {REDACTED] crate measuring 1ft cube. Antigravity projectors will activate inside to prevent jewel from making contact with the crate. Failure to complete either may result in the jewel melting through its bonds. [b]Description: [/b]The jewel of Pyre resembles a large ruby, roughly 3000 carats, cut in the briolette shape. Color is red to orange, with fiery tints inside. When any person wields the jewel one of two things will occur. In the first case the jewel will destroy the wearer in a fiery explosion. In the second, the wearer will possess powers akin to a fire elemental. Walls of fire, fireballs and basic fire manipulation are within mere flicks of the users hands. While this may seem beneficial, the user slowly becomes like the first Countess Pyre. Scheming, plotting and vying for power are all side effects of the jewel. This usually culminates in the user alienating themselves from their past life and becoming in all respects the new Countess Pyre. [b]Additional Notes:[/b] The jewel is reportedly destructible in the hands of its maker, but no texts or sources give any names or clues of who that is. Any attempts to date the jewel fall off about 1.34 trillion years ago. Location is also unknown, the last user having turned into a spider queen and then a giant butterfly. Sources show that the form changes afterwards are not connected to the jewel, but lingering side effects are a possibility. [spoiler]I thought this was a neat idea and decided to share it. The jewel takes you over and gives fire ability. For those who read "Water", this is whats missing in my chest. That means its somewhere else and capable of being stolen. Owo.[/spoiler]

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