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9/13/2019 8:45:06 AM

An ancient black armory frame quest step not awarding progress

When attempting to complete all forges upon the list while wearing a full set of "Woven" forge armor for the hunter class and having equipped the gold frame forge hand cannon, gold frame forge machine gun, and threat level from SotP raid or even a blast furnace from the gold-framed forge bounties. Either way, I perform the completion of any of these forges while wearing nothing but forge bounty awarded weapons such as sniper, pulse rifle, hand cannon, and bow I receive no progress towards the quest completion in which prevents me from finishing this quest and progressing on to speak with Ada-1. Please if you could get back to me in regards to a solution for this or maybe provide a patch in the next update allowing players to finish this quest. Thank you and I look forward to hearing back from you or anyone else with a possible solution.

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