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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (DraGonR1d3r007): 9/9/2019 10:24:42 PM

Gunslinger needs a resistance buff imo

The title says it all I just never really see anybody ever talk about it but I feel like the only class that Hunter has that feels the weakest, you can only ever run 6-shooter (Top Path) in crucible because it lets you hit targets easier but even then that's really the only good perk unless you're a sniper god who will be able to use Chains of Woe effectively/frequently. >The main point of this is that with all that said, it feels like you are a wet sponge, even with full health nobody needs a super or even a sniper/long-distance weapon (bows/scout rifles/machine guns I guess?). In the last few games with me running this I could pop it behind a wall and then walk out ready to shoot someone but some Hunter with true sight or someone who just prefires etc. can basically one-shot me just as I can with the flaming pistol, am I just in the small percentile who feels like this is wrong? Cause if so then my bad it just feels, so, bad, but it feels like the best for my playstyle so when you have crucible objectives to do then it makes the game mode an absolute nightmare. >Even if we go into PvE, now this is fun this is really all I do for the most part this super feels the weakest unless you have Celestial Nighthawk running "Line'em'up" (Bottom path) for the precision damage on bosses, which was fun as it was a massive hit or miss and both had drastic consequences on the encounter, hit dropped the health a whole 1/4 chunk down, if you missed well that sucks, but now it feels very, very, lacking which can only lead me to assume that boss health/resistances got a buff, or the celestial nighthawk got a nerf, and even then you can't stand out in the open like a fist of havoc titan or a dawnblade warlock, because if you do you get shredded. >Basically I feel like Hunter has been gutted, there really isn't anything going for him from what I have seen or experienced [u][/u]except [u][/u] Spectral Blades, and in select events (Reckoning/Escalation) Nightstalker but only if you have Orpheus Rigs, and for those who think I may be some whiny guy or 12-year-old, etc. That's not really what I am trying to get across here, I just feel sad that my favorite class feels useless, and I know they are doing some things with the supers in shadowkeep and I need to look them over again as I could only get a glance at some things but it didn't look good it only looked worse for hunter. >Even if we aren't talking about Gunslingers, Hunters are underwhelming, the point of a hunter is you are a nimble, speedy, and sneaky, but a high damaging person (in their own way) but they are quite honestly the most clumsy to use, the jump is fine for the most part it's cool, (Rip blink) but it's the slowest jump in the game, most accurate in my opinion and easy to move midair at a moments notice, but it's the slowest, titans can still drift way faster than me with 10+ mobility, with arcstrider's speed boost, warlocks as well seem to be running faster than me when they have less mobility, and they also both deal more damage arguably in any damage phase while being easily tankier. >The dodge, it doesn't do a lot for PvP or PvE, in PvP, it only gets you killed as it is one of the slower mobility options unless you can somehow trick your opponent and lose line of sight to survive, but most of the time you just die cause you barely move, the reload dodge is fine if you're good at firefights I guess but for a quick reload it really isn't up fast enough to viable imo but it's better than the other one for your melee as throwing knives do, nothing. >In PvE the dodge is awful for actually dodging things, for the most part, dodging melees are fine but tracking projectiles or laserbeams (ogres in particular) track very well, and while you don't die as often it is a little annoying to see yourself try to ease some of the damage by having it miss but it doesn't. The dodge for refreshing your knives is ok if your fighting rank and file enemies and some powerful enemies but only if you are using Knife Barrage as your super, 3 knives that burn will always do more than one that refreshes only on a precision kill and the exploding one doesn't match up for the refresh. >If anyone actually reads all of this then leave your opinion down if you want it's fun to brainstorm and just talk, and also maybe a dev will see this so you never know, community feedback is important so this is mine for now. >If I had to make some ideas to fix some things just in my opinion then I can list them, also if you are a hunter who thinks that they are great right now and play them to your own style then have fun, I'm glad that's the point is to have fun playing a game, I just wanted to lay out what I thought about my favorite way to play feeling very lackluster. :) >And here are my ideas. >Dodging, I went in on this ability and I like the concept, if I had to say anything about it, maybe make it harder to be killed while dodging, cause just giving it to one class when this is a class ability feels cheap, dodging around every second should feel like a safe way to get out, not guaranteed but not useless. Maybe make the CD longer or something to compensate but that is what I think >Gunslinger, needs, resistances, I have the fully masterworked solar gear and still get one shot by certain arc weapons or grenades sometimes even a melee from a warlock will shred me down instantly if I pop it in a panic (I know I basically deserve that death buuuuut I shouldn't almost get one shot from a warlock melee of all things when I have super on). Don't overdo it, but give us something, please, the super itself feels great in my opinion, I love shooting people with the gunslinger active, both trees make me feel powerful like I should be feared, the only problem is that the feeling goes away almost instantly once I take any sort of damage. >Hunters need some sort of buff to their movement I think, the speedy nimble class should not be outdone by both the other ones, I know shadowkeep is coming out and there are gonna be some massive changes to the armor system and the classes too I think, but choosing a class should actually have weight, the best gear for hunters should make them feel like a powerful character who gets in and then gets out easily, but when every character does the same thing then no character feels unique. >That's basically it from me, I know it was a lot and kinda sporadic but that's what I have been thinking about for a while to be quite honest, I've been on this game since the beta and have never really put it down, I have put years into this game and I as soon as the first DLC came around in Destiny 2 I could feel like I wasn't having the same experience, which came from the new style of destiny 2, but also that the hunter just felt different compared to the other classes already. >I don't expect this to actually change anything I am one player of millions and I haven't really heard anyone say anything about this so I bet nothing will really happen but I just wanted to put it out there.

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