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Изменено (Ace Night Owl): 10/2/2018 2:15:47 AM

The Lab: Arc 2 Part 2

(Inside of the room that everyone was ushered into is a small spaceship which can barely fit everyone inside of it and a door leading to a room marked advance technology. Diana is still arguing with Cayde-7, Ben10Howard has started mumbling to himself and ManofLight is loudly talking to himself. Pete is trying to get everyone else to clam down.) Pistol Pete: EVERYONE SHUT UP! (As he yells the saliva in everyone’s mouths freeze forcing them to stop talking.) Pistol Pete: We have to get moving. We can’t stay here forever, we... (The sudden reality of the situation hits him like a truck. He quotes down immediately and all of the ice in everyone’s mouths melts. ManofLight realizes that someone needs to take control of the situation of everything will be for naught.) ManofLight: Well... lets get going to find Cell and Mustache Man. Cayde-7: WAIT! We could wait and get better prepared. ManofLight: True. Lets have a vote. End of Arc 2 Part 2 You may decide the story. Go now and be less prepared but Cell isn’t as prepared either or wait until you are better prepared emotionally and physically but Cell will also be better prepared

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