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Общее обсуждение Destiny.
8/25/2019 6:44:04 AM

Weapon Nerfing

Im stilll playing Destiny 1. And I can't help but wonder why I put in so many hours of grinding and hard work for these exotics just for them to be nerfed. I feel ripped off. I paid so much money to continue playing each dlc. I played relentlessly and finally got good weapons like Ghjallarhorn and Vex Mythoclast and Thorn and Icebreaker, me and my friends had so much fun killing the creatures of the darkness with these weapons. We worked hard to become overpowered just for some crybaby fans to get our hard earned guns nerfed. Please bring back the OP weapons we love so much. At least for D1. I dont care what you do with D2, ill never raise my voice again against your decisions but olease restore our weapons to their original glory. If you have to nerf them for crucible only, thats fine. But for PVE? Gjallarhorn should still be ripping off boss health bars and Thorn should still be destroying Knights. Up the damage. Bring back the overpowered god weapons we worked so hard to obtain. Bring back our glory. Don't repay our loyalty with foam darts. We need lead and gunpowder.

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