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8/21/2019 5:31:32 PM

Opulence Armour Mods not Dropping

I’ve been playing Menagerie all day after upgrading power & efficiency to level 3 (my rune compatibility is already at 3 & rune bonus is at lvl 2) I’ve obviously done runs collecting full menagerie armour sets and all menagerie weapons with power and efficiency at level 3 but I’ve not had 1 opulence mod drop..! I maybe missing something like rune bonus has to be at lvl 3 before any mods will drop but I’ve seen YT vids showing players with power & efficiency at level 3 and the others at lvl 1 or 2... Rune slot 3 is for master working gear which I don’t require as it’s not armour 2.0 so would be a waste of runes. So I can’t think what else it could be. Any help on this matter greatly appreciated.

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