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Destiny 2

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Изменено (Legend of Jordy): 8/16/2019 12:00:40 AM

Ways to Maximize Dreg Slaying?

Dregs. I hate Dregs. Their existence disgusts me. That's why I've dedicated my life to killing Dregs. Vandals, Captains, Archons, and Kells - all the same, nothing more than filthy Dregs with greater potential for dismemberment. Splicers are a rare treat, they're like Dregs, except they spout fireworks when their heads pop off. Scorn are what I like to call “Dead,” and then I kill them. Shanks and Servitors aren’t Dregs, don’t care. I am a simple man of simple taste. I do patrols strictly titled "Kill Dregs" and spice up the routine with a Gofannon weapon forge or Exodus Crash strike. I never do Gambit, waste of time - not enough Dregs. Regardless of my effort, the Dreg population isn't dead enough for my liking. Any tips or loadout ideas on ways to hasten the death of Dregs?

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