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Изменено (GhostRydaz31): 8/12/2019 12:37:37 AM

PS4 Clan; AGSSGA looking for members

Just a group of soldiers, police officers, parents, and friends playing some games. Looking to game with friendly, trash-talking, non-politically correct gamers. We are committed to each other and the group. Come game with some of the strangest people you will ever meet. Leaders and members alike all have God, Family, and Responsibility before play. COMMS are a must for raids and PvP; text or chat (Discord chat and/or PSN community [AGSSGA Clan Hall] are available). No elitest attitudes will be tolerated. - GhostRydaz31 Every man dies. Not every man really lives - William Wallace It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather, we should thank God that such men lived. - George S. Patton Jr. Discord - Other games; Anthem, Division, CoD: BO3-4, CoD: MW, Black Desert Online (BDO), Battlefield 4...

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