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Изменено (Goblin): 8/7/2019 7:43:23 AM

[Na/PC] Infinite Saga Gamers Open to New Members

This is a group for the solo/duo gamers that want to continue their climb without the constraints of expectations. We all want to push as far as we can in this great game, so lets work together! If you like being solo or want to focus on playing in groups and making a friend or two, Join! This group is for you. If you have a life and sometimes can't play as much as you want, it's okay. •2 Weeks of Inactivity without Notice = Removal •PvE is the main aspect of Destiny so you have to push your gear up; It's Mandatory to be good •PvP is recommended but not demanded •Socializing is your choice, but you will miss out on the group missions if you don't •This Group is Multicultural, meaning no bigots. No anti-ethnicity jokes. None of that negativity, but memes are 100% allowed •Age 18+ Group, 21+ preferred If you Like these details, just apply and I will get to you right away with the discord server. -Thank you! GoblinSkull/Dragonite

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