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7/30/2019 12:37:50 AM

Silent Black Knightz (Ps4)

The Silent Black Knightz are looking to add more members. We are mainly a weekend clan but looking to find more members that play during the weekdays. We are a chill clan. This clan is a family. ADMINS Alot of us are adults who are busy especially the admins and myself (the founder.) So, I'm also looking for players looking to be an admin and help recruit players during the week. We only have two admins that play weekdays and the rest of us on the weekend. I'm looking to gain 3 or 4 more admins willing to help members out when in need. Only requirement is that you be chill when helping. We do have a few teenagers and younger in the clan....and well you know how they can be 😂. Its perfectly fine if you're unable to help. Skills are not really important. MEMBERS. I try to learn about all my members unless they prefer to keep to themselves. We are looking to gain more *pvp players, we have admins that would like to host tournaments. *raiders, we have two main raid groups but would like if more joined. then more members would like to try raiding. Me and one of my admins take players on raids for their first run. EX. Last wish. We run it until you gain 1k or any other raid. Our goal is for you to learn it. It's fine if you struggle, we're here to help. I want my clan to be a place where you can find other players you can play with often. I try to always help my clan/family. Do understand I'm taking care of my kid, if I'm online during the weekdays, I'm playing to entertain him. He likes watching 😂. So message me If you need help but i wont be able to party chat until the weekend. I know this is alot to read and probably confusing, I rushed through this lol. but seriously would love more players to join the family. Thanks 😁

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