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Изменено (RAIFE BLAKE): 7/28/2019 6:43:50 PM

Cannot progress Tribute Hall (Solved - you can remove if needed)

I started the Tribute Hall on my Warlock and got the golden banner that looks like a raid banner. But before I placed it I wanted to level up my Titan and Hunter more first. Now that all are at, or very close, to 750 I went back on my Warlock to place the banner and start working on gaining Tributes. But whereas before I had the prompt to hit X (on XB1) to place the banner, now there is nothing. There is a quest symbol over the statue of the Emperor, but when I click X to approach the statue it only shows me the bounties and and Tributes - nothing else. I went and checked on my other toons, and get the same thing. So I now can't place the golden banner so that I can start working on the Tributes. When I put the cursor over the tributes I can't pick any of them because it says "Requires quest progress" and I can't click on them. I can collect the bounties to earn Boons, and was able to turn in a few boons, but still cannot place the banner to contine. What do I do? I don't want to miss out on the chance to earn Bad Juju and complete the Triumphs associated with this, but can't do anything at this rate...

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