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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
7/22/2019 11:35:28 PM

Share your lucky (or unlucky) RNG stories

I hope this is in the right spot, apologies if I am stepping on anyone’s toes... My all-time D2 RNG moment happened this afternoon. I needed to complete this weeks Nightfall so I jumped on the phone app and found a LFG NF. The Corrupted, which I have never done. I spawned in the fire team just as they started so I never had the chance to change equipment. I literally just finished the Mysterious Datapad quest so here I am running a strike which I hate to begin with using all Black Armory weapons and armor. Struggling with the bullet sponges I finished it and my reward was the Horror’s Least and Prometheus Catalyst! Unbelievable luck and a RNG milestone I will never forget. Let’s read yours.

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