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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
7/22/2019 5:45:05 PM

Underused and Unwanted Exotics: Lucky Pants

I really like Lucky Pants. I like how they look and on the surface the concept is a good one; Precision hits reload stowed hand cannons. Hand Cannons ready faster and are more accurate after swapping to them. I've found pairing a hand cannon with a pulse is a great combo with lucky pants as each precision hit from a pulse reloads a round into a hand cannon. As a PvE centric player I understand Lucky Pants were really built for PvP play. That said, what if we added a perk to augment Gunslingers? Particularly Way of the Outlaw. So I had three ideas: Lucky Pants provide precision damage for way of the outlaw. This would augment ad clearing. There are times in which I've cleared a bunch of ads using way of the outlaw but there is still a yellow bar on the field and I've still got a few rounds in Golden gun. Precision damage would give that little extra punch to put down a yellow bar. To be clear here, I'm not talking about a huge bump in damage. Just a little extra kick for landing precision hits. OR Lucky pants could grant combustion. Kills with golden gun chains damage to other targets. This would give WoO a little more punch for ad clearing. OR Lucky Pants grant keyhole. Shots from golden gun over penetrate targets. Again another way to clear ads more quickly. These are just some random ideas I had bouncing around in my head. Way of the Outlaw is way better now that kills reload a round into golden gun. This is more about making Lucky Pants more useful than it is making Way of the Outlaw more powerful. I'd like to hear your ideas/suggestions.

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