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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (dougfedx): 7/22/2019 5:44:28 AM

Time to bring back SBMM.


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  • I 100% disagree. I carry blueberries solo all day in quickplay and get wins all the time! The best part of no SBMM is it takes the lower skilled player and teaches them how to play at a higher level, which over time makes them better players. You will forever and always be trash playing against teams at your own skill level. Playing against and defeating higher skilled opponents makes you overall better over time. You learn how to engage against good players, and how to counter them by playing against them. Do I win every match? my team trash with the bluest of the berries...most of the time, but I find ways to out perform the enemy team and carry my blueberries to victory! There are matches where I lead my team with 42 defeats and a 4.42 kda and yet we still lose because most of my team are playing with no thumbs and it's up to me to carry a heavy sack of potatoes. Am I mad? No....I get back in there, and DO IT AGAIN! I never got good playing scrubs...always play against better players to get better at the game. The 6 stacks are annoying, and I will say the 4-6 man teams...I do try to avoid, but PLEASE FOR WHOEVER READS WHAT I'M TYPING.....Take my advice, play against the better players and your gameplay will improve playing against a higher skilled opponent. Thank you! ✌

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