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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (MergingChicken): 7/18/2019 9:09:15 PM

New seasons will make annual pass content irrelevant, here's a thought.

Forges, Reckoning, and Menagerie rewards should be changed in the next season in order to remain active/relevant. If Bungie doesn't update something then it'll just be wasted space on the players system that could be used for new things. Doing something like this could also apply to Escalation Protocol and any new seasonal activities that are introduced in Shadowkeep. Also also, new weapons can be introduced in their respective loot pools (Examples are a new EP themed weapons like a fusion rifle or AR, new Gambit Prime weapon like an LMG, or new Forge weapon like an SMG) [spoiler]Something to note: these ideas are only apply to the players who own these seasonal content passes and do not retract from how the activities are currently played. This way, veteran players can benefit from this proposed idea while new players can still participate in the activities normally. [/spoiler] [b]For all in game activities:[/b] - bounties can be earned through normal gameplay (Forge bounties, Reckoning bounties, Menagerie bounties). Normal gameplay includes Heroic Public Events, Strikes, Crucible, Gambit/Prime, literally anything that is not raiding as raids should only grant respective raid items. - These bounties will only drop to players who do not have an active bounty of the same type. Once the parameters for the bounty are met, the player can earn the weapon by completing one of the bounties given activities (Forge, Reckoning, Menagerie). - Bounty parameters will be particular to the activity they were earned in and are weighted based on that activity. Example, doing about 3 strikes will have a chance of granting 1 of these bounties and the parameters for completing the bounty are unique to the strike playlist. Another, doing about 5 Heroic Public events have a chance of granting 1 of these bounties and the parameters for completing that bounty are unique to patrolling planets. - Synths can be applied to the Powerful Synthesizer, Runes to the Chalice, and Forge material to a Forge Container. These will all resemble the current Chalice system and can manipulate the Masterwork stat of the weapon. If no material is applied to the appropriate container then the weapons MW will be random. [b]So, a situational example:[/b] I am playing in the Shadowkeep update and patrolling the Moon. I complete a Heroic Public Event and get a Drifter weapon bounty for a Spare Rations. The bounty has me collect 10 Helium Filaments (moon material) from Helium Coils and complete a Moon Lost Sector. After completing those easy tasks the bounty tells me to complete a Tier 3 Reckoning Run. Before I participate in that activity I first apply a particular synth to the Mote Synthesizer to give the hand cannon a Range Masterwork. I go into a tier 3 Reckoning, complete it, and complete my bounty for the random rolled Spare Rations with a Range MW. The Reckoning run could still have the rare chance of dropping me a Drifter weapon but also will complete the bounty guaranteeing me a Spare Rations.

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