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впервые опубликовано в: Weekly Infographic for July 16th, 2019
7/17/2019 9:58:34 PM
Funny how Bungies "chosen destiny community" (you know the ones who are always on the top of the directory in twitch) .... funny how they never play with normies? The reason I bring this up is because there is one guy... CBGRAY on Youtube who is doing exactly that. He is helping anyone who needs the Whisper of the Worm today on PS4. He is making all the other chosen Bungie basement streamers look like elitist they think they are. Isn't this the stuff that really builds a community Bungie? Bungie needs another 100 CBGray's! Instead you have a bunch of lifeless basement streamers on twitch who are so thin skinned that they'll ban you for sneezing? Sad.

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  • [quote]Funny how Bungies "chosen destiny community" (you know the ones who are always on the top of the directory in twitch) .... funny how they never play with normies? 😀 The reason I bring this up is because there is one guy... CBGRAY on Youtube who is doing exactly that. I is helping anyone who needs the Whisper of the Worm today on PS4. He is making all the other chosen Bungie basement streamers look like elitist they think they are. Isn't this the stuff that really builds a community Bungie? Bungie needs another 100 CBGray's! Instead you have a bunch of lifeless basement streamers on twitch who are so thin skinned that they'll ban you for sneezing? Sad.[/quote] I agree there is a desperate need to embrace the nasty vein players and content makers. There’s the good and the bad. Cbg is unique in his ability to be helpful and spread the love. I think all stats should go black. They are a waste of time if you aren’t going to use them as a basis for matchmaking. So often do you spawn into a match with a whole bunch of fandoms and you’re playing a 6 stack. Regulate comp and Punish people who abuse the system! Randomize spawns and make comp fun for EVERYONE DUH!!

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