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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
7/17/2019 4:55:27 PM

Taking breaks from the game

Curious how often players are taking a break from the game, playing something else, or just simply doing something else? D1 - I think I had a 3-week stretch when I did not play at all. Don't remember exactly when, could have been Rise of Iron maybe. D2 - Well I am currently sitting on a 5-week break (though I did get in last Friday to run around the Tower and pick up JuJu quest but logged out shortly after) that will turn into a 7+ week break with summer vacation and other stuff. Found myself sitting on the couch several weeks ago and just had a "meh" feeling, almost a moment of clarity, when I just didn't want to do it any more. Don't get me wrong, I love the game (though have my issues with it just like everyone), and I obviously still review the forums, etc. but the desire to play is not there right now. Really feels like the state of the game is that players are always a finger tip away from the dangling carrot and then it gets a little farther out, you get closer and it gets farther out again, etc. Part of it is work and life in general that is busy and I really don't have the time for a grind. Also, have taken the opportunity to play other games. Spider-Man is very enjoyable, a bit repetitive but a nice change of pace. Picked up MK11 too; not much of a fighting game guy but it's fun to play something different and don't feel like I have to put a ton of time in. Anywho, just curious what others have done or think.

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