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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (InanimateJoe): 7/6/2019 2:29:57 AM

Will the Shadowkeep DLC + SK Annual Pass Included with a Google Stadia Founders Edition Pre-order be able to be used on PS4/XBOX as well?

Pretty straightforward: Will the Shadowkeep DLC + SK Annual Pass Included with a Google Stadia Founders Edition Pre-order be able to be used on PS4/XBOX as well? (Will I have to buy the content twice, essentially, or will the FE pre-order content cover both platforms?) I primarily play on PS4 with my wife, but I'm likely going to be purchasing the Google Stadia Founders edition. I'm just thinking ahead. Budgeting and all that! Thanks in advance!

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