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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
7/13/2019 5:39:14 PM

Vanguard Pinnacle Weapons are lacking

Just saying, compared to Crucible and Gambit Pinnacle Weapons, Vanguard Pinnacles have been lacklustre. Loaded Question has just recently gotten good with the buffs to Fusions Rifles. Wendigo is great but there are better options such as the Swarm of the Raven from IB. And Oxygen... Yeah we don’t talk about that. Then you look over at the other Pinnacle Weapons. Recluse, don’t need to say anything about it. We all know how amazing it is. Mountain Top. Its a special weapon in the Primary Slot and does more damage than some Heavies. Breakneck can be on the fence to certain people but still one of, if not the best Auto Rifle in the game. If things continue on the trend that they’re on... The next Vanguard Pinnacle will be a Sword with a new Guard or a heavy attack that takes up 5 ammo.

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  • Pve are the easiest to get, so it's understandable that they aren't better than recluse, mountaintop or any other crucible pinnacle. However, these guns are intended to be in crucible. Look at Not forgotten and Luna's howl, they aren't the best option for PvE, but they are a good option for PvP. All of the weapons are good for some people and horrible for others. It really depends on your playstyle and what you're best with. I absolutely hate the concept for Hush, but I see other people really excited for it. It's not a bow for me, but that doesn't mean it's a bad weapon. The same goes for any other weapon in the game. Look at the gun Rose as an example. The guardian who used it made the gun great, but you can see it's not this over powered gun you hear about in lore. A gun is only as powerful as the guardian using it allows it to be. Sometimes it just comes down to skill and a lot of people don't want to hear that. Another thing to take into consideration is that most of the PvE weapons are supposed to be used for PvE activities and the PvP weapons are supposed to be used for slaughtering other guardians. However, there are some weapons that work for both situations such as Recluse. I'm personally just happy that I get to have new weapons to add to my collection.

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