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Изменено (Azvarax): 7/15/2019 5:53:49 PM

THE IRON WOLVES are recruiting! Xb1 US/UK

Eyes up guardian, I'm a recruiter for THE IRON WOLVES, an Xbox only UK/USA clan, and we are currently recruiting. We run all activities on a regular basis and take on characters of all skill levels. We regularly run raids and have players who play comp PvP fairly too. If you are interested in signing up, then join our Discord channel where you will have access to all of our clan members, lfg creation, and news feeds/guides. After a few days assuming you've made an effort to play with members of the clan, you will be invited to join the full clan. If you are interested, just hop on into our Discord channel with the following link- or if you have any questions feel free to send me a message!
#Clans #Endgame

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