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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (CheddarChaddar): 7/14/2019 10:06:49 PM

New Consoles are coming...

Would it be nice if Destiny 2 will get 60fps for the newer consoles coming up in the next year? Before PC brags, I'm not a PC player. Even though I have a PC I just enjoy console better. Of course they have it nice and smooth, depending on the build. Seeing Destiny 2 at 60fps is actually gorgeous. I know they can't really do that, because it's fixed at a certain fps for consoles, and the older gens would be out framed and have disadvantages, correct? At this time of generation though, any new game coming out for the next gen consoles should be 60fps, and the next gen consoles should have the power to run it. I don't know the specs for any of the new consoles though, other than better graphics and loading times, which is what they always announce with any newer console.

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