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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
7/13/2019 5:39:14 PM

Vanguard Pinnacle Weapons are lacking

Just saying, compared to Crucible and Gambit Pinnacle Weapons, Vanguard Pinnacles have been lacklustre. Loaded Question has just recently gotten good with the buffs to Fusions Rifles. Wendigo is great but there are better options such as the Swarm of the Raven from IB. And Oxygen... Yeah we don’t talk about that. Then you look over at the other Pinnacle Weapons. Recluse, don’t need to say anything about it. We all know how amazing it is. Mountain Top. Its a special weapon in the Primary Slot and does more damage than some Heavies. Breakneck can be on the fence to certain people but still one of, if not the best Auto Rifle in the game. If things continue on the trend that they’re on... The next Vanguard Pinnacle will be a Sword with a new Guard or a heavy attack that takes up 5 ammo.

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  • You're kidding right? Loaded question - has always been great since it came out. It's only recently it's come into the fore but it was [u]always[/u] that good. People just preferred shotguns but now they're kinda meh (compared to where they used to be), they realise what a great weapon has been in front of them for some time. Wendigo - Is the [u]highest[/u] dmg output weapon in the game when proc'd, so is totally a pinnacle weapon. Oxygen - is actually a lot better than poeple give it credit for. The issue is more with the scout rifle class in general, however the weapon is perfectly usable right now and performs well. Want to two tap an entire group of adds - sorted. Sure, you may not like that design but that's subjective, it still performs to a standard higher than normal legendary weapons which is the point of these weapons. Comparing these to recluse and mountain top is redundant because anyone with any sense will admit they are both OP currently and will no doubt be getting nerfed sooner or later. You're also comparing the vanguard pinnalce weapons to pvp pinnacle weapons but forgetting the other pvp ones.. Luna - not really that great since the nerf. Many legendary guns out perform it. Redrix - so situational that it's always been a massive under performer and barely ever used.

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