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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
7/10/2019 7:10:42 AM

Tribute Hall is Great! Clan Hall when? :P

So, I'm a completionist. If a game has actual rooms that show your kinda... haul, I'm so down for that. A collection that you can see is great and makes you feel like you can see what you've accomplished. The tribute hall allowing you to have your friends and teammates enter and see is actually so nice as it adds a bit of a private space to a game where we've been stuck in the tower forever. But I think that adding a Clan Hall would be able to do that even better. Imagine tributes based on how many clan night completions of raids, or crucible/gambit/etc. completions with clanmates. Imagine having a physical space in the world to get together with clanmates, and goof around or socialize. Giving new players a tour of your clan hall would possibly spark a yearning to do well with the new players, make them want to join you in future clan endeavors and stuff. Anyone else think this is a good idea? And does anyone have anything else they'd like to see, either in terms of a clan hall, or in general?

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