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7/5/2019 8:01:20 PM

Thanat Operating System [TOS™] - PC - NA - Level 3 - Clan For New And Experienced Players!

[b]Hello, welcome to the [url=]Thanat Operating System[/url], [i]ThanatOS[/i] for short.[/b] Click [url=]here[/url] to join the discord server, where we will hold all communications. Click [url=]here[/url] to join the official Destiny 2 clan. We are clan that will be primarily playing on PC using the NA servers. We're a company that deals in Death. Whether it be against the Darkness or fellow Guardians, we pride ourselves in selling our product to everyone. Everyone is welcome, whether you have been playing since the original Destiny beta and are griping about the glory days when you stockpiled Motes of Light or you just picked up the game today and have no idea what an Exotic weapon is. Whether you're a pro Crucible or Gambit player with a 5.0 KD or you can barely manage to get a kill each match, you are welcome. Whether you run raids every week and always roll for the best gear there is or can barely survive a story mission without help from another person, you are welcome. No matter what your interests or skills are, whether you're Titan, Hunter, Warlock, or all three, you are welcome. As long as you are an active and positive member of the community, [i]ThanatOS[/i] welcomes you to join its ranks and serve even more future customers. And remember the company motto: [i]Everyone Eventually.[/i]

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