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7/4/2019 12:34:42 AM

Eliksnis Vindictae, fast growing clan looking for EU members

Hey! This fast growing clan is looking for EU members. Please state where you are from if you are interested in joining! If your looking for a new clan or need a change from the mundane. Join us. We are a completely brand new clan looking for members to build a crazy fun clan with. We have experienced members who are long time players. If your returning for shadowkeep or playing right now. This place is for you. We want to pride ourself on being a chilled and helpful clan across the community. If you want to be one of the bricks in the foundation join now! We are a PS4 clan. We do everything in the game but focus mostly on raids and endgame activities. We can teach any raid and use discord to communicate. This is an 18+ clan and you have to have a working mic. You have to be minimum of 650 light one one character We hope you want to join us and create an awesome diverse community of Destiny players. We also have irons in the fire with other clans to expand the members that can do what you need to do. Please bear with this is a work in progress but we hope that you can help us grow and be an integral part of the clan. If you have any questions please DM one of our admins!

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