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впервые опубликовано в: Fall Eververse Changes
6/27/2019 4:45:19 AM
Actually I think you don't understand what you are talking about. When it comes to the law three things are required for something to be considered gambling, if something does not meet any of those three things then it is not gambling. The first is putting something of monitary value in. Which in game loot boxes immediately don't meet. Sorry but while you might personally consider them gambling, the law does not, and the laws that have been made, have made this pretty clear. The second is that what you get is over 50 percent based on luck (this percent may vary depending on the country, but it works as a general rule of thumb), and the third is that you get something of monitary value out of it. Payed loot boxes follow all three of these things, game companies have tried to argue that they don't fall into the third part, but that hasn't been working very well for them so far. But in game loot boxes do not work with the very first part of the rule and so they are automatically exempt. The issue with your line of reasoning is that it's end point is rather problematic, because what it would essentially mean is that absolutely nothing in non adult games could be based on luck. The item you get from completing an activity being random is no different than a loot box. The same thing, time, is what is put in, what you get is 100% luck based, and arguably what you can get out can be given a type of monitary value. But because time isn't technically considered something of monitary value when looking at things like gambling, these kinds of systems are perfectly allowed. As for the reasons for keeping it, well financially they really have none. In game loot boxes give players a free way to get items that Bungie would rather more people spend real money on. And if you want to claim that as the reason they will disappear, then be my guessed. I even said as much in my original post that I think they will disappear, but you can't actually blame the law as the reason why, because the in game loot boxes are exempt from those gambling laws. It's the same reason that kids are perfectly allowed to play games like poker, black jack, president, snakes and ladders, ect so long as there is no money being bet. If no monitary value is put in, then it is not gambling in the eyes of the law. If it was then you would be seeing a whole lot of border games and card games being pulled off the shelves, since a huge number of them are almost entirely luck based.

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