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впервые опубликовано в: Fall Eververse Changes
Изменено (Mr. Morale): 6/27/2019 4:34:18 AM
I don’t think you really understand what you’re saying. Why would Bungie keep a gambling non profit system? Not only that, it’s a form of gambling and the people are looking to keep any kind of gambling, free or not, out of games that could influence kids at a young age. Free or not, the engram is a gambling system, and if Bungie tells you to grind every bounty for a chance at a slot machine, it will be banned. My argument for that is you would then groom the kid to log in daily for a chance, spend hours doing the content. Then, when new dlc drops, those areas cannot have new bounties with bright dust. Because now we’re seeing a slick way of forcing a persons wallet into the system, because if a kid wants to maximize their bright dust, they will need the dlc. So say in 7 days he gets enough bright dust to buy two engrams, with 25% bright dust being unused. The dlc then adds enough bounties for him to have 50% unused bright dust after the purchase, that means every other week he could buy three engrams. But, he has to buy the new dlc. That to me, is predatory, and exploitation. No gambling allowed, period. In adult rated games sure, but destiny is rated T for Teen. Teens should not be exposed to any form of gambling at all, and that’s what these people are regulating for, to keep predatory practices out of games for kids. To add, gambling in games will definitely be allowed only in rated A games. Because mature games minimum age requirement is 17, there’s no state that allows an 17 year old to gamble.

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