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впервые опубликовано в: Enhancement cores are going to hurt new light players.
6/24/2019 3:50:27 PM
I am fairly neutral when it comes to cores. I typically haven't had issues with them, but I'm a fairly hardcore player and use them pretty sparingly. I will say that I have one issue with the arguments to remove cores--they tend to be slightly hypocritical. I'm not saying this in a way to bash you, I don't mean any offense. Bungie could remove cores from infusion tomorrow and I would have problems with it. However, most of the posts I see about this have to do with a player not being able to use their favorite gear while they work on raising their power level. The issue is that this goes against another one of the most hot-topic issues in Destiny, which is gear diversity. I feel like for every post about cores, there's a post about gear being useless, or everyone using the same loadouts. Players are constantly asking for other stuff to try out......and the argument about removing cores is all about keeping people from using different weapons/armor. Don't get me wrong, I totally see what you're saying, and again, I'd be fine with cores being removed. It's just gonna make the pool of gear being used even smaller...whether or not that's a problem is up to you.

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