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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
6/23/2019 8:56:29 PM

Baryron Boughs

I have 4000 baryon boughs. Can I have just a few more for Christmas? 🙄🙄🙄

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  • Изменено (A Lion of Judah): 6/24/2019 6:36:14 AM
    A Lion of Judah
    A Lion of Judah

    - Israel Will Remain - старое

    .Confirmed. This project is not being looked at anymore. A few months back one of the guys (dmg04, Cozmo) replied to a post saying that they were bringing out a way to use the boughs. The post suggested that Spider trade with them, however the response from Bungie was unclear if that was going to happen. I say a few months, it was more, but the fact remains that they never actually did what they set out to do, and what's more, they pretended like it was never even mentioned. It dissapeared with the uproar over the moon. They were looking at it, probably saw that people had so much they would break whatever economy they put them into, and decided it's best to let them be useless rather than let us reap the benefit of our grind. TL/DR Nope. Bungie gave up on that.

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