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впервые опубликовано в: Enhancement cores are going to hurt new light players.
6/23/2019 6:01:28 AM
I am one of those people, I’m just casual. I like to play other games and I’m not committed to destiny. The infusion cores are unnecessary and a big hurdle for casual players. I love the 690 boost which led to me buying the season pass for $15.74. But I can’t upgrade my old exotics because I lack the resources and the drive to grind for ridiculously unnecessary components to do so. When I last played back in September 2018 this was not the case. Why can’t we go back to those requirements. The change seems unnecessary from a casuals prospective. I already have a full time job, I don’t need my game to require 40 hours a week to advance 5 or 10 light. Just seems pointless when there are plenty of other games out there to play.

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