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впервые опубликовано в: Enhancement cores are going to hurt new light players.
6/23/2019 1:22:06 AM
Armor 2.0 was just confirmed to only fix SOME Y1 armor, instead of updating every armor piece across the entire game. Talk about inconsistent. Just when you think that Bungie had nailed something, you soon find out that the meeting that Urk was talking in in the ViDoc was just Bungie management looking at Armor 2.0 and going, "Eh, this feature is great, but let's drip-feed it!" Guys, stop with the half-assing of stuff. Make ALL Y1 armor with access to Armor 2.0 so that you have consistent loot drops for New Light players, please? It'll make Destiny 2 feel like a more complete game than it is now.

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