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впервые опубликовано в: Enhancement cores are going to hurt new light players.
Изменено (Corrick II): 6/23/2019 3:07:11 AM
I’m not disputing any of this and I agree they should be removed, but this has helped ease the pain: 3 from daily bounties 1 from weekly (the one that [i]isn’t[/i] the three activity one, which is usually easy), 3 from spider = 6 per day x 7 + 1. That’s 43 per week from incredibly easy sources, on [i]one[/i] character. With just that you can masterwork two weapons per week (I don’t masterwork armor so that’s not really something I worry about), and have cores left over. It’s not making an excuse for this system but at least it takes the edge off a little bit. And if you’re really worried about players being turned off by [i]anything[/i], there are so many other little pains that will drive players crazy after the initial buzz wears off. It’s a death of a thousand cuts with Destiny.

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