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впервые опубликовано в: Enhancement cores are going to hurt new light players.
6/22/2019 11:37:34 PM
They keep talking about meaningful choices. I try to make meaningful choices in real life not in a video game. It’s for fun not work. The game feels more like getting a savings bond for your birthday than a new bicycle at this point. I hope they go more casual with the new expansion.

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  • They tried that with D2 year 1 and got shat on for it. They've realized the casuals aren't as important as those who actually enjoy the game. And cores aren't difficult to come by. Perhaps try not deleting them from your inventory?

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  • It’s not so much the cores but the aspect they represent. Constant tedious tasks that do not progress the story and only serve to extend the time it takes to progress and customize weapons. Warmind was perfect for me. A good balance of new armor weapons to chase and story missions and strikes. The forums were mostly positive and most seemed optimistic for the future. Now we have only repetition if we don’t want to dedicate hours at a time for raids etc. surely there’s a middle ground.

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  • Might as well leave now. The game is going more RPG. They even used the mmo term, something they have refused to say since D1 launched. And that's ok. This game has never been a straight first person shooter. It isn't CoD. It isn't Borderlands. It is a mix of CoD and WoW. First person shooter meets a grindy, live service RPG. With a shared pve and pvp sandbox. And some of us in this community love it that way. Vanilla D2 sucked, imo. It is a game that a casual can play, as long as they can accept slower progression, and fewer rewards, if they aren't willing to grind, and jump through hoops designed by Bungie. Grind is only going to get more intense.

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  • Oh I’ve already left I come back occasionally when my son picks up interest momentarily then I remember that it’s just not for me. I don’t mind not having the coolest and best gear in the game. I’m not ask for raid gear or even nightfall gear. I’m just saying don’t limit the choices of how gear can be customized to where the blue gear is your only option till you’ve exhausted the content. But it is what it is. I’m sure I’ll get talked into buy the expansion of there’s actually content this time around. If not we can skip it.

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  • Well, and you can get everything piecemeal going forward, so if you don't want you can skip stuff, but not get behind, when something drops that peaks your interest.

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  • Yeah probably what I’ll do, I’ll wait to buy the new expansion till it goes on sale and comes with a booster or something so I can play through the story aspect with my kid and if I find it fun i’ll stick around after. Thanks for the thoughtful reply btw. I am complaining but only because I am hopeful for a bone to be thrown to us who don’t have the time to invest in the game like others do. I played destiny 1 after TTK came out and basically just played through the story and some strikes with friends. I got a bit more involved during Warmind and actually collected and chased some of the faction armor and weapons which was actually kinda fun or me. So when Forsaken dropped and all of a sudden it takes so much longer to do anything it was a complete turn off. Anyway best of luck and thanks again.

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  • [quote]They tried that with D2 year 1 and got shat on for it. They've realized the casuals aren't as important as those who actually enjoy the game.[/quote] That's a bit of a reach. They made D2y1 for esports, not casuals. That's why there were no random rolls on weapons, time to kill was slow, and supers were slow. I'm pretty sure "casuals" enjoy the game since they are 95% of the player base and 95% of their revenue. Why do you think pve numbers are always more than pvp (except for events like Iron Banner)? Those aren't people doing raids, because that's only about 5% of the whole player base. The D2y1 push for esports drove away the other 12 million or so "casuals" because they didn't want to be forced into esport sweat matches. Some left later because of the material farming. Also, please don't think that just because someone gets dragged through a raid one day a week or just plays comp on the weekends that they are the only ones who "enjoy the game". I would call those types "casuals".

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  • They didn't lose 12 million though. They lost about half within the first month and a half. Less than 50% of console players even made it to the xp cap of 20. When the Activision split happened, Activision lost just above 6 million monthly players. The daily tracking sites don't show an accurate number of overall players, just daily snapshots. And many people play every week, but not every day, so a daily tracker losses its accuracy. And since this season started, daily numbers have been above a million. I'm sorry that Activision made Bungie make D2, more casual. And now that they are on their own, the gameplay loops are less friendly to the casual player, and many of you hate the cores, or other, "chore," like aspects. But many of us wanted this change and like the more grindy future of this franchise. They have never been able to satisfy everyone, but they have satisfied me, so I can't complain.

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  • [quote]many of you hate the cores, or other, "chore," like aspects. But many of us wanted this change and like the more grindy future of this franchise.[/quote] I don't know that I'm casual personally and we had planetary challenges when the game launched that kept us from having to pick up bounties everyday, but if people think that flying into the tower and getting bounties from vendors everyday is hardcore gameplay then I don't know what to say. Cores aren't there to grind for, they are there to slow down progression for access to endgame activities, which infusion is necessary to accomplish. Sure the streamers have time to "grind" cores and materials since they play 14-18 hours a day. Those are the ones who asked for the changes, but streaming doesn't make them hardcore players either.

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  • Изменено (SorrowW0lf): 6/24/2019 6:37:01 PM
    It's more about the nature of gameplay loops and how different types of gamers enjoy, or see value in those different loops, imo. Some people would prefer not having any power climb associated with their game experience. They would like to hop in, and only play what and how they want. They want to be able to more or less have access to all their loot rewards, instantaneously and forever from the moment they get their reward to the moment they decide they don't want to play the game anymore. And some games not only provide that for people, but actively promote those characteristics. Take fighting games for instance. You play the game, you unlock the different characters, and once unlocked, regardless of new arenas or new characters being added, the availability of previously unlock characters never changes. You can unlock and use the new characters, but if you feel like it, you can also choose your original bread and butter, characters and just enjoy the gameplay without continued effort to maintain those characters. Those games are fun and can be quite a fulfilling game play experience. But they are not the only games or game designs that people enjoy. There are and have been several games that focus on a constant evolution of the characters. That require constant tweaking, and striving for min/maxing alterations to your original character. WoW is a great example of the min/maxing, constant tweaking and evolution of your characters through added effort. Found in doing daily quest/bounties, as well as, playing new content that ranges in difficulty and overall daily engagement, to maintain your characters' overall effectiveness. With the Destiny universe, it is my belief that Bungie has attempted to combine these two types of gameplay experiences. And I think a lot of community issues addressed here and other forums, are simply the two different types of preferred gameplay systems butting heads. Like I said before, many just want to hop on use the rewards rng has blessed them with and find it, "tedious," to constantly tweak their characters. Others want to be able to constantly tweak their characters. Many of these players don't mind doing daily bounties or running the same strike or raid 100 times to gain what is needed to do that tweaking. And to be fair, the tweaking game was introduced in D1. You had more options to make your guardian more capable of fairly specific things. You could change small things with your supers/abilities. And strike specific loot, provided an opportunity to grind 1 particular strike and eventually get that piece of loot. Seemingly, Activision saw the min/maxing aspect of D1, as a barrier to entry, for a certain percentage of gamers, and directed Bungie, to remove those barriers. And Bungie did. And we got vanilla D2. And I say Activision, because the direction of the game going forward, without Activision involvement, seems to be going back to more of the D1 style of game. And while personally, I'm thrilled and excited for the future of the Destiny universe, I can see why those that joined the game when those barriers or need for constant tweaking, wasn't as prevalent, blaming Bungie for ruining the game they initially enjoyed. By adding cores in Forsaken, I think Bungie new the split from Activision was an eventual reality, and they were laying the groundwork for what was going to come after the split. Sorry for the rather long comment. It isn't necessarily just a direct reply to you, but everyone in this community that might read it. The difference in what people enjoy in gaming, is what drives the two different sides of almost all the posts on this forum. I think Bungie has done a decent job of trying to appeal to both types of gamers. But I also know that Luke Smith and others at Bungie played a lot of WoW back in the day. And many of their gameplay/design decisions reflect the enjoyment of WoW game systems. And being an ex WoW junkie myself, I really enjoy those systems, so in turn enjoy the direction they are taking their game. Again, sorry for length of this. Have a great day, and good hunting to you Guardian! 😎

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  • Изменено (draycole): 6/23/2019 10:27:52 PM
    Even if they did make the pvp for esports. (which they didn't, becomes obvious they didn't when you realize they left out the biggest essentials for an esport to their biggest market of players) What about the other 95% of th game? You can't base the entirety of your argument over a perceived understanding of a single aspect of the entire game I don't quite understand how the raid was designed for esports Or the removal of light level advantages was designed in iron banner for esports(realistically those playing esports will be max light and not have issues with rng affecting their leveling) I don't get how being in a clan gave you access to raid gear without having to do the raid. I don't get how the changes made to the nightfall was designed to be an esport The list goes on

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  • Изменено (wes238): 6/23/2019 11:09:31 PM
    [quote]Even if they did make the pvp for esports. (which they didn't, becomes obvious they didn't when you realize they left out the biggest essentials for an esport to their biggest market of players)[/quote] You mean dedicated servers as the essential? That's the only thing I can think of. The only reason for static rolls was pvp balance. That's the only way to truly balance the weapons: make them all the same. [quote]What about the other 95% of th game?[/quote] Material grind. [quote]You can't base the entirety of your argument over a perceived understanding of a single aspect of the entire game[/quote] That wasn't a "perceived understanding", it was stated by the devs. My initial statement didn't just mention pvp. [quote]I don't quite understand how the raid was designed for esports[/quote] Revive tokens limit chances to clutch encounters. They made synchronicity mechanics a more needed element and removed "hero moments". It's win or wipe. D1 raids were more finishable if someone went down, and you could pick people up more. [quote]Or the removal of light level advantages was designed in iron banner for esports(realistically those playing esports will be max light and not have issues with rng affecting their leveling)[/quote] Right. They initially did away with light advantages, but that's not what Iron Banner was. It was light advantage, but then they added advantages back, then nerfed the advantage given. You can't have competitive Iron Banner with light advantages because the team with the highest light automatically wins (or more than likely would have before they nerfed it). [quote]I don't get how being in a clan gave you access to raid gear without having to do the raid.[/quote] That was actually a good thing. I think it was a way to "trade" but since we don't have actual trading the clan could do something and clanmates got the extras. Since everything had static rolls it wasn't a bad thing. I really don't see why people complained about the "raid gear" drop from Hawthorne. If people didn't want clanmates getting gear why are they in a clan? [quote]I don't get how the changes made to the nightfall was designed to be an esport[/quote] They added scoring. They made a card with modifiers and handicaps to see who can get the highest score. High scores for what? [spoiler]Leaderboards.[/spoiler] Which is what esports is all about isn't it? Having your name at the top of the leaderboard. Being the best. Having the highest score. Finishing encounters as a team in a quick manner. Limiting deaths. I really wasn't lumping pve in the esport category. Gambit is the closest to a competitive pve mode, but the pvp part hinders its potential. What good is killing all the enemies fast if someone can invade and eliminate that progress, thus making it more of a pvp-centric esport.

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  • Изменено (draycole): 6/23/2019 11:38:39 PM
    [quote][quote]Even if they did make the pvp for esports.(which they didn't, becomes obvious they didn't when you realize they left out the biggest essentials for an esport to their biggest market of players)[/quote] You mean dedicated servers as the essential? That's the only thing I can think of. The only reason for static rolls was pvp balance. That's the only way to truly balance the weapons: make them all the same. [/quote] And 60 fps, the bare essentials. And balance can be achieved with random rolls. It's just easier to do with everything being the same. [quote][quote]Even [quote]What about the other 95% of th game?[/quote] Material grind. [quote]You can't base the entirety of your argument over a perceived understanding of a single aspect of the entire game[/quote] That wasn't a "perceived understanding", it was stated by the devs. My initial statement didn't just mention pvp. [quote]I don't quite understand how the raid was designed for esports[/quote] Revive tokens limit chances to clutch encounters. They made synchronicity mechanics a more needed element and removed "hero moments". It's win or wipe. D1 raids were more finishable if someone went down, and you could pick people up more. [/quote] there were 0 revives in hard mode And unlimited in normal mode. What we have now is middle ground. With those changes in revives there's a change in mechanics. [b] D1 raids had to facilitate the fact that if someone died they could not be revived. [/b] Less esporty than D1. [quote][quote] Or the removal of light level advantages was designed in iron banner for esports(realistically those playing esports will be max light and not have issues with rng affecting their leveling)[/quote] Right. They initially did away with light advantages, but that's not what Iron Banner was. It was light advantage, but then they added advantages back, then nerfed the advantage given. You can't have competitive Iron Banner with light advantages because the team with the highest light automatically wins (or more than likely would have before they nerfed it).[/quote] Evening the playing field is and isn't esporty Levels the playing field for more fair competition, and allows the casuals a better chance to compete. [quote][quote] I don't get how being in a clan gave you access to raid gear without having to do the raid.[/quote] That was actually a good thing. I think it was a way to "trade" but since we don't have actual trading the clan could do something and clanmates got the extras. Since everything had static rolls it wasn't a bad thing. I really don't see why people complained about the "raid gear" drop from Hawthorne. If people didn't want clanmates getting gear why are they in a clan?[/quote] Community hated it [quote][quote] I don't get how the changes made to the nightfall was designed to be an esport[/quote] They added scoring. They made a card with modifiers and handicaps to see who can get the highest score. High scores for what? [spoiler]Leaderboards.[/spoiler] [/quote] This was requested by the community. And we'll received in d1. Not an esports/comp change.

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  • End game for d2 y1 was farming public events. Static rolls were made to favor casuals because their time investment in a game is smaller than someone who is hardcore who would invest more time for a stronger weapon. Hawthorne gave out free raid gear for those who just existed in a clan with players who would raid regularly. That sounds pretty casual to me.

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  • [quote]End game for d2 y1 was farming public events.[/quote] 2 tokens and a blue is not end game at all.[/quote] [quote]Static rolls were made to favor casuals because their time investment in a game is smaller than someone who is hardcore who would invest more time for a stronger weapon.[/quote] No. Static rolls were made for esports as a baseline weapon balance system. Sweats couldn't get their god-rolled whatever and stomp with their overpowered weapons if Johnny Quickplay came in and wrecked a squad with the same guns everyone else was using. [quote]with Hawthorne gave out free raid gear for those who just existed in a clan with players who would raid regularly.[/quote] Actually I think that was a way to "trade" gear since we don't have a trade system. The raid dropped duplicates since gear didn't have random rolls and that was a way for clanmates to get extra gear. It didn't hurt anyone.

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  • [quote] 2 tokens and a blue is not end game at all.[/quote] Destiny 2 year 1 was simplified around ever verse and tokens. Ever verse collectibles was end game content. All the cool stuff was in there. The most efficient method to acquire bright engrams is to do public events for XP. [quote] No. Static rolls were made for esports as a baseline weapon balance system. Sweats couldn't get their god-rolled whatever and stomp with their overpowered weapons if Johnny Quickplay came in and wrecked a squad with the same guns everyone else was using. [/quote] Static rolls were made to even the field. Im sure you agree with me here. [spoiler]But someone that wants to sweat would take the time to farm for the best roll based on the meta shift. Casual players dont pay much attention to whats the best, but more of what feels good, until they get killed by the same weapons with said perk combinations. Also, Bungie was forcing destiny to play MUCH MORE to be like halo, rather than prioritize the game to be Esports. Yeah, they pushed it into Esports, but it was just not fun to watch because double primaries was slow and boring. [/spoiler] [quote]Actually I think that was a way to "trade" gear since we don't have a trade system. The raid dropped duplicates since gear didn't have random rolls and that was a way for clanmates to get extra gear.[/quote] Its not a way of "trading" if gear is being given away literally for FREE just for signing up to a weekly news letter. [quote]It didn't hurt anyone.[/quote] It hurts value. If endgame gear is easily accessible. Is there a point to even continue playing destiny after a few weeks? [i]"I collected everything in destiny 2, now what? Oh look! the new call of duty came out, ima play that instead."[/i] In other news, Destiny 2 population plummets, because gear was handed out and the player base got bored because there was nothing else to do.

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  • Tokens and faction rep are the same thing Tokens just have the ability to be transfered from character to character

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  • [quote]Destiny 2 year 1 was simplified around ever verse and tokens. Ever verse collectibles was end game content. All the cool stuff was in there. The most efficient method to acquire bright engrams is to do public events for XP.[/quote] Not for me. [quote]Static rolls were made to even the field. Im sure you agree with me here.[/quote] Yeah. That's why I said for balance. The only way to balance a game is make all the weapons the same. [quote]Its not a way of "trading" if gear is being given away literally for FREE just for signing up to a weekly news letter.[/quote] No, it wasn't free. The clan had to beat the raid. How many duplicates do you think people who did the raids have? How many times did people say "I wish we had trading."? I know I would have given weapon duplicates to clanmates no questions asked. The Hawthorne engram allowed that to happen, but it was still RNG so nothing was guaranteed. [quote]It hurts value. If endgame gear is easily accessible. Is there a point to even continue playing destiny after a few weeks? [i]"I collected everything in destiny 2, now what? Oh look! the new call of duty came out, ima play that instead."[/i] In other news, Destiny 2 population plummets, because gear was handed out and the player base got bored because there was nothing else to do.[/quote] Not at all. "Endgame" gear isn't that valuable. Grinding materials and bounties over and over for nothing was boring, then being forced to do things to "progress" is what made the population plummet, not because Johnny Quickplay got Midnight Coup from his clanmates.

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  • [quote] Not for me. [/quote] Endgame for the community as a whole. If thats not your end game, that is fine, but for the majority, it was stuck behind ever verse. [quote] No, it wasn't free. The clan had to beat the raid. How many duplicates do you think people who did the raids have? How many times did people say "I wish we had trading."? I know I would have given weapon duplicates to clanmates no questions asked. The Hawthorne engram allowed that to happen, but it was still RNG so nothing was guaranteed. [/quote] You say its not free, but then you're saying how you would have [b]"given"[/b] weapons away and that Hawthorne made it happen. Soo... Ugh... So did Robin Hood stole from the rich and gave to the poor, or was it Robin Hood and the poor stole from the rich?. Getting raid drops for not doing a raid. Think about it. [quote] Not at all. "Endgame" gear isn't that valuable. Grinding materials and bounties over and over for nothing was boring, then being forced to do things to "progress" is what made the population plummet, not because Johnny Quickplay got Midnight Coup from his clanmates.[/quote] There was like only 3 legendary weapons worth getting which most of the players just got from Hawthorne for free. What were players being forced to do again? Everything was streamlined so players were not forced to something that they didnt want to. The result of that was that it made the game boring. Players that dont even touch PVP quit the game. Material economy had no purpose. You can literally acquire EVERYTHING by just playing Patrol only and being in a clan. Have you not followed D2 from day one? The community articles, the TWAB?! Im done. Have a nice day.

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  • It would be ok if the armor was worth infusing but D2's armor is blahhh compared to D1's, I would've thought it would be better but not worth the grind in my opinion, I am still rocking and infusing season 6's IB gear lol and I have dismantled each piece of season 7's IB (y1) armor for shards :P

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  • I made a 'meaningful choice' in August and decided to wait on buying Forsaken. I am extremely pleased I did because there was not ONE announcement about "Infusion Cores" during the hype phase leading up to release. Masterworking weapons/gear is 'meaningful'. Leveling weapons/gear is not 'meaningful', it is necessary to progress toward the "endgame content". The current system is an artificial roadblock meant to throttle progression and inflate playtime numbers. That may be "meaningful" for Bungie, but NOT the players.

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  • [quote]Masterworking weapons/gear is 'meaningful'. Leveling weapons/gear is not 'meaningful', it is necessary to progress toward the "endgame content".[/quote] 100%.

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  • Why would any bit of hype include a consumable material? Thats kinda dumb

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  • If I didn’t buy the annual pass I would’ve quit completely. I’m not vindictive or anything if they turn it around I’ll start playing again no worries I just don’t see it happening though.

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  • Nor do I see anything changing. Making some content F2P will not change the fact that Bungie no longer believes in the "play your way" mentality. It is all about monetization. DE manages things pretty well with Warframe but Bungie will NEVER get this franchise to the place that Warframe already occupies. Bungie cannot produce "meaningful" content in a timely enough fashion to succeed as a F2P game.

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