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впервые опубликовано в: Enhancement cores are going to hurt new light players.
Изменено (drew012278): 6/22/2019 9:39:13 PM
Listen I know everyone who replied here saying it’s fine thinks it will be fine. This game was tailored for you. However the op’s concerns are NOT wrong. He is very very right. His concerns are one of the very things that ran people off in droves and droves. It makes sense that most that are left here love this game now. But if Bungie hopes to bring in new blood and more importantly new capital they had better start really listening. And not just saying they are. And don’t be naive kids bungie needs new money....and if they want to get and keep new people and not run them like they did.........then sorry enhancement chores have to be changed. Because the average gamer wants nothing to do with them. I used to love this game. I spent thousands of hours and d1 a few hundred in d2. The game in its current state is not good. So what am I doing here. One word. Hope. And for goodness sakes don’t tear someone apart because they bring up a concern that you don’t agree doesn’t make you a very nice human.

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