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впервые опубликовано в: Stop playing Iron Banner NOW - You are wasting your time!
6/19/2019 2:55:13 PM
Bungie is going too far with the quest in this game. I can see running 1 character for this but have no reason to run all 3 because it would feel all I'm doing is just running an event just to complete a quest. This isn't how this game should feel at all, but it does because just about everything in this game is either run bounties or quest. I remember in D1 wanting to level up all 3 characters anytime new DLC came out and did it. D2 I have only enough tolerance at this point to want to level up just one and to think if I want to level up another character and acquire a lot of the same items, I have to run the overdone grind in this entire game. No thanks...

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