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Изменено (Breach): 6/18/2019 7:56:09 PM

Off-topic Laboratory attack! (RP)

[spoiler]If you were a part of the Mercenary role-play you’ll be on Nya’s side for this role-play as it is a continuation of aforementioned role-play.[/spoiler] [i]Three airships landed in the jungles nearby the Off-topic Bio-containment facility. The air from the exhaust parted the brush on your ground in a wide enough area to land comfortably. The landing bay doors opened, and a man wearing tactical armor stepped out of one of the ships. He surveyed the area before waving back at the inside of the ship. [/i] “All clear! Let’s move!” [i]Around half a dozen soldiers exited each ship in a strategic fashion and took up positions laying down as the ships took off and left them.[/i] “Alright gentlemen, it’s go time!” [i]The main soldier said as he unholstered a sidearm. The rest of the soldiers stood up and made their way towards the facility.[/i] [spoiler]Edit: figured this RP could use a theme song [/spoiler] [spoiler]Result of the RP: [i]After countless casualties, Kraven and the others managed to rescue the good Doctor from the President’s clutches in the Lab. [/i] Thank you all for participating in this RP event and I hope to see you all again soon! Feedback spoiler is in the comments below![/spoiler]

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