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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (nayscreamer): 6/17/2019 6:24:00 PM

Crown of Sorrow LFG be like

CoS KWTD, need 5. Must have 75 clears and unnerfed Y1 Whisper. 999 minimum LL. Must have 10 glory resets from season 7. Must have jacket and championship belt. Must live in mom’s basement and know how to code in java and python. Jesus, guys. The raids been out for a week or two. Chill tf out.

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  • Изменено (GrifterDeMier01): 6/17/2019 12:36:17 PM
    This is what happens when the player base gets down in to the few hundred thousand range. Well actually raid lfg has always been really bad. It's always been like this but now it's far worse because the player base is so low. In D1 at least the player base was still in the multi millions even in year 3. It never dropped below 3 mil. There were always tons of options in that game. Now at best this game is around 300k. Lol. Some one called me out a week ago for a comment I said similar to this and said destiny tracker said the game had over a million active players.........LOL!!!!!! If you trust destiny tracker you are the biggest moron on the face of the planet. That site seriously just pulls statistics out of their CEOs ass. Nothing on that site is legitimate.

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