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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (Abyss): 6/17/2019 12:19:04 PM

If warlock bonds are going to stay a thing make them more noticable

People never seem to look at a warlock bond and say "WOW THATS A COOL ITEM" honestly the only ones that stand out are the gambit ones I hope shadowkeep can inprove how bonds look id be happy with that. Edit: Woke up with a big 343 in my profile and saw my post was trending, shaxx voice : THIS IS AMAZING Why stop at warlocks, What are things you would add or change about Titan Marks and Hunter cloaks I would Like to see the Titan marks to encompass the entirety of the waist (for those of you who have played dark souls three think Lorians Leggings ) And for hunters I would like it if cloaks to have a little more of something, i cant really say what but what i can say is that out of all the cloaks i ever got i liked the Season 3 iron banner one the most for some reason dont know why. All class items need a touch up in some way. Think about it this way the class items should all have some "special ability" after all its not just a scrap of cloth its just as important as any other armor piece Thank you for helping with the feedback lets keep this train going to bungie

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