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Изменено (Eriena): 6/16/2019 11:47:51 AM

bungie explain this please


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  • I've taken the liberty of removing the account names of the person(s) and links in the post and quote of who you stated were cheating. [url=][u]Bungie takes reports and game bans VERY seriously[/u][/url], and so they carefully research those reports against their server logs for actual shenanigans (cheating/exploits). If those reports and the investigation bear fruit, the cheaters will be dealt with. But things like making a vid, creating a topic, and/or naming them here on the forums serves no purpose and has no benefit. [b]If you have used [u][url=]the in-game report tool[/url][/u], then you've done your part. And thank you for doing so.[/b] For those who want to take the extra step, or were kicked from the game (and are unable to access the reporting tool),Bungie has created a [u][url=]Cheating Submission Form[/url][/u] that allows players to find the PGCR (Post Game Carnage Report) from their personal history, fill out an official report, describe the cheating, and even link a vid (if they have one). [b]Please feel free and encouraged to use this tool, [u]but pay close attention to the warnings on the form[/u][/b]. * If you are not confident that a player was cheating, do not use this form. * Abuse of this contact form may result in account restrictions. * Fraudulent reports and submissions unrelated to cheating may result in disciplinary actions against your account. [url=][u]Click here for more information[/u][/url] Please note: this is not a sort of censorship and me or other ninjas are not defending cheaters in any way. Please use the report tool for the best result.

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  • Изменено (Eriena): 6/16/2019 11:47:11 AM
    [quote]Player on Xbox named [REDACTED] was hacking almost the entire game until i called him out on it, then as soon as i messaged him, his player character appears in the crucible. His bungie account is [REDACTED] In the following clips i show that he killed our team including me without being seen anywhere at all and is even in our spawn point killing everyone with fighting lion completely invisible, you cant see him on the radar or his character. he is completely invisible and most importantly invincible. I checked our spawn to see where he was and everywhere, he even threw a nova bomb and still didnt show up on the radar. You can also see him clearly killing me leaving spawn point without seeing his outline anywhere NEAR ME. Bungie please do something about this player please. This is by far the worst thing I've ever seen. [REDACTED] This last clip shows everything he's doing and at the very end you can see he is at the door and just shot his fighting lion but failed. Please bungie ban this player [REDACTED] Here is the link to the game too[/quote] -_- Remove the name and all Identifying information/videos Otherwise the Ninjas will BAN YOU.

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