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Завтра Destiny 2 будет временно недоступна в связи с плановым техобслуживанием. Следите за новостями @BungieHelp.

Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
6/15/2019 2:09:22 AM


I get people that might say some mean things sometimes to their team. I was rezing this guy while emoting during primeval phase of gambit. (Other team had prime we had like 20 motes). I was rezzing him after an invasion and was emoting. He immediately said he reported me, saying I was feeding and throwing the game (along with some other not so nice things). I was calm about it and didn't provoke anything. I whispered him asking if he was chill, and I got this.!Amcb9ygZFb-vl0-IpPqptl2bPoKu When I went to report him for "abusive chat" I got this.!Amcb9ygZFb-vl06JztOOUTaoqkmZ DOES BUNGIE EVEN GET THESE AT ALL? I'm personally not phased at all by people who say things like this to me it's just a little odd how someone could think like that just cuz they're loosing a video game. I don't want him out because he insulted me, I just don't want him pouring the same toxic God-awful words onto someone else and they may get hurt. Bungie you seriously need to address this guy!Amcb9ygZFb-vl1B7La7tpvMRdf2m I'll admit, I wasn't doing so fancy that round but what's a guy supposed to do with double bows and a 1k voices on the other team.

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