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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
6/5/2019 2:57:15 AM

How To activate the flawless challenge in Crown of Sorrow! So, as you enter the first encounter, there will be 4 levers on the sides of the far walls (2 on the left and 2 on the right), where (later on) 2 acolytes will spawn. The next two are on the wall behind the door you come through at the beginning of the encounter. To access these, 2 fireteam members will have to hop into the pedestals with the flames on top, then either stand on the levers themselves, or try to pull the while they float/jump. Each team member will have to pull the levers at the exact same time for the challenge to start. After that, the raid progresses as usual, except that as soon as one member of the fireteam dies, the team will be returned to orbit (similar to the Petra's Run challenge). I hope you found this useful! Please don't forget to upvote and watch my tutorial! Thank you.

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