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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (SuperSirianRigel): 5/26/2019 7:40:30 PM

Nerfs, An Unknown Future, and a passive Crucible experience.

This kinda of stuff just gives me another reason NOT to buy the Annual Pass. I haven't yet and whoop, probably not going to anytime soon. The BIGGEST reason I didn't buy it is because I didn't agree with paying $30 for content a year in advance. Especially when we had no idea what we were going to get. The same reasons explain why I never bought the season passes for Call of Duty or either Destiny game. I like getting my DLC's one purchase at a time. Especially after I already have a decent idea of what I'm getting and whether it is worth it or not. So far I have been pretty happy with my choice because there is nothing that has come out in Black Armory and Joker's Wild that I really wanted to play. Another reason is I just don't like getting content drip fed too me. It just seems stupid. Like I'm not really getting anything at all. I feel like they are sort of copying Fortnite in the small updates with minor changes every so often model. And I don't like that. The last reason is the Crucible. I'm a Crucible player. In original Destiny the Crucible had plenty too do and was given plenty of attention. And you could easily play things that sort of felt like end game activities in the Crucible in original Destiny. At one point I had reached maximum Light by getting all of the Iron Banner armor. I wore it all the time and literally I barely ever seen another hunter wearing the Iron Banner set to be at max Light. Everyone always wore the Raid gear. In Destiny 2 Iron Banner is a shell of it's former self. It doesn't feel end game like it did in original Destiny. And of course Trials. That was every Crucible players favorite end game activity. In Destiny 2... *sounds of crickets chirping* The Crucible is what I want to ALWAYS do in Destiny. And they refuse to give it any love. They won't add bigger maps. They won't fix balance without nerfing things and pissing people off. They won't make Iron Banner feel end game. They won't give us back Trials. They won't even refresh the loot pool. Until my favorite game mode matters too Bungie I don't think they will be getting anymore of my money. Overall I'm just sad. I still enjoy D2 but I got nothing new too look forward too really. We'll see what Bungie does. Maybe something will happen and I will like the content enough to spend my money on it. Or maybe I'm just going to sit back and wait for Destiny 3. We'll see.

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  • Изменено (MagiSpark): 5/27/2019 12:43:07 AM
    Agreed, why don’t we have the choice on what game modes we can play at all times? Rumble, Clash, Control, Skirmish, Elemination [b]should be available 24/7[/b], now you nailed it with the loot pool, I’m literally receiving weapons from vanilla D2, same design and everything. Not only that I’m tired of the reskinned D2 maps, why change the name of them? Just reuse the originals, aside from banner fall? Trials needs to make a comeback somehow someway just to alleviate the pressure from comp. Aside from trials we’re missing a whole bunch of really fun game modes that should be in a rotationary playlist along with mayhem, duos, inferno, [b] which are combined arms, rift and salvage[/b] there is no reason that the game should’ve of had all these from drop but it appears we just got a shell of the former game.

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