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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
5/20/2019 2:31:00 AM

I Just Got The Recluse As A Solo Player

Honestly, this grind was a terrible one. To be fair, my skill level in pvp has always been a bit above average, but it has been difficult in this meta compared to how it was in Destiny 1. Plus, I recently migrated to PC from PS4, which meant that whatever progress I had gained had to be reobtained. There were very few instances in which I played with a fireteam, and those games were usually sub-par. For instance, I found a fireteam to go through the last stretch of glory points, and then we lost the next three games. And I know that The Recluse is a bit nutty, and it can definitely annoy some people at times (myself included). But I am going to wear this thing like a badge, and a testament to what one young adult can achieve while playing a game in his free time. Also, I would like to thank my clan, [url=]Safe Haven[/url], for creating a wonderful space for the hundreds of people within it to interact and collaborate. And overall, thank you, Bungie, for creating an amazing game and universe for the past five years. No matter what the community at large says, this is a game I will always stick with.

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