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впервые опубликовано в: Cozmo, dmg.....we need to talk.......
5/18/2019 1:37:10 AM
It's odd how they went from D1 to this and the only thing that makes sense to me is that they don't have the manpower to make the necessary changes for this game. (This is just my opinion) The loot system is not broken but it's on the verge. The economy is broken but there are simple changes that can improve it. The RNG in this game is just straight out stupid. The design for most gear/weapons, not much thought has been put into them. The duplicates in this game are in just about everything from mods to power engrams. Cores were added to the game because of the lack of loot to use them on. D2 has become more about running bounties, power engrams, cores instead of chasing loot. The vendors in this entire game have not been properly updated. Factions were removed only to be brought back if and when as a carrot. This is a given, but the "balancing" in this game has major issues. Creating PvP/PvE game modes. No strike specific loot No new maps knowing 4v4 maps are the cause for a lot of the issues in PvP. PvP literally needs 6v6 maps period. All raids should have a hard mode and normal mode, giving both "casual and hardcore gamers" their incentive to run the raids. I only listed a few things wrong with this game and (without the manpower,) these problems will continue to exist for a long time, and that isn't even me including all the coding issues gamers have brought up on the help forum, D2 forum Reddit or where ever else these issues are brought up that this company will most likely not get to most of it.

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