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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
Изменено (ReaverOfWorlds): 5/7/2019 12:01:38 AM

The Invitations, or More Lack of

ALRIGHT. So, I’m going to be frank, I missed a couple of Xûrs invitations due to life occurring and what not, putting me behind. However, this doesn’t help because even on the weekends when I go to pick an invitation up and [i]he doesn’t have one[/i] I get a little irritated. I’m behind. I’m hearing about other people picking them up and I go and there’s nothing. I make sure to finish my invitations before the weekend starts and even before the [i]day[/i] the weekend starts. What I’m worried about is SOTD ending and the invitations as a whole disappearing from the game without me having completed them from the two weekends I missed to the weekends where Xûr brings nothing despite me not being caught up. SOTD has been the most fun I’ve ever had in D2 and it’s my favorite thing it’s done, I would hate for it to end unfinished. Am I missing something? If someone else has had a similar problem I would love to talk and try and discuss what in the world is happening.

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