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впервые опубликовано в: Luna's Howl and Not Forgotten's nerf is unfair
4/27/2019 10:20:35 AM
It's not unfair. Everyone knew nerfs had to happen. Everyone knows nerfs have to happen. People are just kicking up a tantrum because their toy is being remade after 8 long months. If you wanted it you should have gotten it earlier. The meta is so stale it's a joke. Bungie have been inactive on the topic of these weapons for so long it's a joke. Complain all you want, if you want someone to blame for the nerfs, blame every single player who used and abused Luna's Howl and Not Forgotten. Then blame yourself for waiting and expecting the meta to stay this way forever when it's brought the game to an all time low.

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  • Hey good point but I don't really care about the pvp changes, sorry if it wasn't clear enough : people using it will still kill in three shots (2 headshots + 1 bodyshot) slightly faster than others because it's still a precision frame with 150 rpm anyway. What I am annoyed about is the perk Magnificient Howl loosing it's usefulness in PVE. It was really great especially against bosses. The worst is that the change to this perk will encourage people in pvp to aim for the body instead of the head to kill in three shots more easily. Reducing its rpm is fine with me but making its perk useless in pve is a whole other story. A slower rpm, , making the perk having a shorter duration, cancelling it if you miss a shot or hit a body shot and not deal bonus damages on body shots but only precision shots would have been a better solution (to me at least).

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