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впервые опубликовано в: Luna's Howl and Not Forgotten's nerf is unfair
4/26/2019 3:16:02 PM
Lunas Howl is not a skilled weapon. It rewards mediocre aiming in form of a head-head-body bullet string rewarding optimal ttk, when other guns require 3 headshots. 180 rpm HC ttk: 1.00 seconds Lunas Howl: .67 seconds A .33 ttk advantage, thereby instantly making basically every single other hand cannon obsolete. It has high aim assist, low zoom, relatively good range, forgiveness in the form of a fast rpm, fast reload speed, good handling, it literally has no downside. 1 in every 10 kills comes from a Lunas Howl There is absolutely no reason that Lunas is as good as it is. So what players spent a few hours in comp for it? People spend hours on the other pinnacle weapons and those weapons don't destory game balance.

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  • I think your reasoning about ttk comparison is fair and highlights a bigger problem about balancing in Destiny 2, especially about an important number of weapons clearly not being/feeling special or strong enough and so being left over and not allowing enough choice in the competitive environment, but : "So what players spent a few hours in comp for it?" is clearly just undermining the point I am trying to make and consciously ignoring the effort and time most people have invested to get one or both of these hard to get pinnacle weapons. If you got the gun easily yourself then congratulation! You're better than most at pvp, maybe had a great team to play with or even maybe just lucky at getting a matchmaking that didn't solely consisted of the usual combination of One Eyed Mask, Ace of Spade, Spectral Blade, Gwisin Vest, Sentinel with Ursa Furiosa and Nova Warp (before they were fixed of course). The journey to get there hasn't been the same for everyone and people like myself won't necesseraly feel good about getting the fruits of their labour being diminished. "Players want their investment in Destiny to matter" With this nerf I don't feel like mine is mattering at all. That's why I am making this thread and trying to answer as many people as possible so that I can be able to understand their point of view and make mine understood too. Please respect it as much as I respect yours and the interesting aspect of ttk comparison you brought. Thank you

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