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Destiny 2

Общее обсуждение Destiny 2.
4/24/2019 5:20:59 PM

My thoughts on the Iron Burden debuff...

It's a cool idea to challenge yourself in Iron Banner and to be rewarded by it. However the implementation, of the Iron Burden, makes Iron Banner unenjoyable and to put it simply... "A ball ache". I believe that a refined Iron Burden would see a lot more players using it. For example, a more nightfall modifier like card would be more welcomed. So the card wouldn't just be a flat out 100 light level rededuction. It could provide a gradual increase every 25 levels of light reduction could provide a +1 multiplier difference towards completing bounties and obtaining curated rolls within the Iron Banner. Other modifiers could be implemented too like ability cooldown reductions etc... It could be an interesting way to bring modifiers into PvP and to make the Iron Banner experience more rewarding. Of course you don't have to put these inabilities on your character, if you choose not to. However I also believe that people who do have these modifiers on should be more likely to match each other as well as people running without the effects of a card are more likely to match each other too. Of course there are a finite number of players at a given time so you might find the odd game where you do find you're stacked against yourself or against other players.

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